[WP] Admin area isn't working
First of make sure that you're using latest version of slider (changelog) and you have WordPress v3.4 or higher, then:
- Deactivate all plugins
- Switch to the default theme
- Check if RoyalSlider admin now works correctly, if it doesn't - reinstall RoyalSlider, there is a chance that you haven't uploaded something. If after this it's still doesn't work - contact the support.
- Switch to your theme and start activating your plugins one by one to see which one causes the issue.
if you're developer:
Most of time issue is caused by third-party plugins or themes that include their files to each admin page instead of only their pages, or when they deregister default scripts like jQuery.
- Make sure that there is only one jQuery, jQuery UI and only one CodeMirror on page.
- Take a look in browser JS console log and check for errors from other scripts.
If you have PHP errors or warnings from slider - most likely you haven't uploaded slider files correctly. Installation guide is here.
Such issues are caused third party themes and plugins that don't comply WordPress coding standarts. If you've found issue, contact the developer of that theme or plugin, so he can improve his work.
If you are unable to figure this out by yourself, please contact the support.