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[WP] How to upgrade from old (v2 and less) to New RoyalSlider

The latest version of the plugin you can always get from your downloads page on CodeCanyon. "Old" RoyalSlider has a version lower than 3.0

There is no option to import images and HTML animated blocks from old version to new, as data is managed in a completely different manner: images are now stored as WP attachments (instead of direct URL's), options are different, skins are different, markup is different and more SEO-friendly, images are stored and resized using default WordPress way (no TimThumb anymore!). With the new version, you can create multiple image galleries in a few seconds, for example by overriding default WordPress [gallery] shortcode once and reusing the same configuration.

However, the old and new version of RoyalSlider can exist on one site simultaneously, but make sure that you don't have two sliders from different versions on one page, and files of different versions aren't on the same page.